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I'm Livvy, 22. I love make-up, music, film, comedy and generally loving life :) Follow my Twitter @LivCR Tweet saying you're a blogger I'll follow back :)

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

'Inspired By' Make-up #3 and a Blog Sale Pondering.

Hey ladies,

You'd think I was allergic to consistency the amount of time I spend not blogging when I say I will. Frankly, I'm willing to explore that as an option for non 'I'm really just a bit crap' excuses.

I have had a right pain in the arse of a week. I'm not going to bang on about it because it could reach novel quantity. Basically, £130 has just disappeared out my bank account. And £54 of that is a hotel (The Ibis in Manchester, Charles Street - name and shame) that's decided that me paying for the hotel once just wasn't enough. Anyway, I've been busy dwelling on/trying to sort out that.

Also I've been mulling over my finances, which I'd say are now at a level of 'pooping myself'. I was thinking about doing a blog sale. Would anyone be interested in that? I've got some unloved Nars and Revlon products. I'm also planning on a foray in to the world of eBay. I'm really worried I won't be able to work it and will end up with an angry person demanding I give them loads of money. Haha.

Anyway, this post WAS supposed to be an Emma Watson 'Inspired By'. Basically, I had all the make-up I used in a pile for almost literally a week ready to be photographed. Friday came and I was going out for my friend's birthday. You may remember me mentioning before my incredible lack of forward preparation when it comes to nights out. Let's just say the neat pile covered most of my floor by the time I'd left, fifteen minutes late. I'd also lost a shoe. Let's not even go there. Naturally upon arriving home slightly tipsy, I just about got away with not breaking anything. To summarise, the make-up never got photo'd. (BAD blogger).

I thought I'd show you the finished look anyway, mainly because I straightened my hair for it and I am not going to waste heat-on-hair. ;)

As we all know Emma (I'm talking about Hermione for those who aren't familiar) has pixie short hair... And beautiful petite features which help her pull it off.

I don't. Big eyebrows, big nose, big lips, big eyes = big hair. Basically I'm not so dedicated that I hacked off my hair. Nu-uh. What I did do to recreate the look is straighten my hair so it was 00's poker straight, then slick back the front and sides with some macadamia oil and hair grips. I originally tied it up as well but also tried it in a side pony tail and down. These were my finished looks:

Hair all scraped back. Let's face it, I couldn't pull off a crop cut!

Hair in visible ponytail.

Hair down. Sexyfine bathroom pic. LOL at me! (The lighting in my bedroom was atrocious, hence the unusual relocation.)
Needless to say I look nothing like Emma, this is just using her make-up as inspiration. I'm not sure about that orangey red on my skin tone. And false eyelashes are just not my friend. Nor is liquid eyeliner. But hey, I gave it a go ;) I'm not an eyelash convert. I think my eyes are perhaps a bit too hooded and they just get lost. And they make me feel like I'm carrying a pair of pigeons on my face. I quite like the Essex lad style parting though. It looks sophisticated without being over the top. Plus I like that she went for full brows, minimal effort for me. ;)

We've come to the end of this giant pile of potatoey latice goodness (waffle ;)). Ta for reading if you have.

My aim is to try a bit of Scar Jo next. If only I could actually transform in to her. Girl crush alert. Which celebrity would you love to transform in to?  I'm going to try my absolute hardest to at least make a list of the make-up I use, but hey - don't hold your breath.

Love Livvy x


  1. You look absolutely beautiful Livvy! I think you're way prettier than Emma Watson :)

  2. You did a great job, and look beautiful! Want to follow each other darling? Let me know!

    Belle De Jour

  3. the lipstick looks great on you! i love it! ♥

  4. You look so lovely! Wish I could pull off slicked down hair, it looks so cool. Lucky you! xxx

  5. Sorry you've had such a rubbish week - hope things pick up for you soon love. If it's any consolation, you look fabulous here xo

  6. We love emma! she always looks so good :) and you definitely pulled of the look. We love Lily Collins too so may be you can'tranform' into her next?!

